How I work
The way that I work is in an existential-phenomenological way. This is a long phrase that is not as complicated as it sounds. Basically it means that unlike some counsellors I do not apply theories to you and I don't diagnose you or 'treat' you. Rather, I give you space and time to talk and be heard in order to work out for yourself how you wish to live your life. I acknowledge that life can be very challenging at times for all of us, and that anxiety and difficult feelings are a part of life, not ailments to be cured.
I won't give you advice or tell you what to do as I have never personally found this to be helpful. It is so easy for an 'expert' psychotherapist or counsellor to give lots of clever ideas and interpretations about a person without this making any actual difference to the way that they feel.
What I will do is engage with you in a real and non-judgemental relationship in which you can work on whatever you need to work on. Existential therapy is about helping you to find your own meanings. I am ready to listen and to help you find a way to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.
I have experience in a wide range of areas, but have a particular interest in those experiencing discrimination due to sex, gender, sexuality, neuro-diversity or disability; workplace bullying and mobbing; parenting and mothering, including special needs parenting; and those who are experiencing or have experienced narcissistic abuse in their family of origin or romantic relationships.